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Technical Reports and Theses

All the publications available below are unpublished versions

  • J. Baxter. An Approach to Verification of Ahead-of-time Compilation for Safety-Critical Java. PhD thesis, Department of Computer Science - University of York, UK, 2014. (extended version)
  • Leo Freitas, Ana Cavalcanti and Andy Wellings. Formal specification of SCJ icecap-implementation. Technical report, Department of Computer Science, University of York, UK, 2015. [Bib | PDF]
  • Ana Cavalcanti, Wen-ling Huang, Jan Peleska and Jim Woodcock. CSP and Kripke structures. Technical report, Department of Computer Science, University of York, UK, 2015. [Bib | PDF]
  • P. Ribeiro. Angelic Processes. PhD thesis, Department of Computer Science - University of York, UK, 2014. [Bib | PDF] (or extended version)
  • F. Zeyda and A. Cavalcanti. Proofs of laws for a unified theory of methods. Technical report, University of York, Department of Computer Science, YO10 5GH, York, UK. March 2014. This is an accompanying report for the paper "Laws for a unified theory of methods" submitted for review to UTP 2014. [Bib | PDF]
  • F. Zeyda, A.L.C. Cavalcanti, A. Wellings, Jim Woodcock and Kun Wei. Refinement of the Parallel CDx. Technical Report. University of York, YO10 4GH, UK. July 2012. [Bib | PDF]
  • Kun Wei, Jim Woodcock and Ana Cavalcanti. New Circus Time. Technical report, Department of Computer Science, University of York, UK, 2012. [Bib | PDF]
  • F. Zeyda, A.L.C. Cavalcanti, and A. Wellings. Circus Model for the SCJ Mission Framework. Technical Report. University of York, UK, 2011. [Bib | PDF]
  • A.Miyazawa, Formal verification of implementations of Stateflow charts. PhD thesis, Department of Computer Science - University of York, UK, 2012. [Bib | PDF]
  • F. Zeyda, A.L.C. Cavalcanti, and A. Wellings. A Simple Protocol - Safety-Critical Java Program and its Circus Model. Technical Report. University of York, UK, 2011. [Bib | PDF]
  • Adnan Sherif. A Framework for Specification and Validation of Real-Time Systems using Circus Actions. PhD thesis, Center of Informatics - Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil, 2006.[Bib | PDF]
  • M. V. M. Oliveira. Formal Derivation of State-Rich Reactive Programs using Circus. PhD thesis, Department of Computer Science - University of York, UK, 2006. YCST-2006-02.[ Bib | PDF ] (or extended version)
  • A. Freitas. From Circus to Java: Implementation and Verification of a Translation Strategy. Master's thesis, Department of Computer Science, The University of York, Dec 2005.[Bib | PDF]
  • L. Freitas. Model-checking Circus. PhD thesis, Department of Computer Science, The University of York, UK, 2005. YCST-2005/11.[Bib | PDF]



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