My research interests include:
- Understanding and improving player experience of video games
- Developing and evaluating tools and methods for researching interactive experiences
- Designing and evaluating educational and persuasive interactive media, including video games
Twitter: @SevenFridays
Google Scholar Profile
- PhD in Computer Science, University of York
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
- PG Cert in Higher Education, Swansea University
- MSc Human-Centred Interactive Technologies, University of York
- BSc Computer Science, University of York
- Senior Lecturer, University of York, 2024 - Present
- Lecturer in Computer Science, University of York, 2022 - 2024
- Lecturer in Computer Science, City, University of London, 2019-2021
- Research Technician, University of York, 2016-2017
- Tutor (Associate Lecturer), Swansea University, 2016-2018
Phone: +44 (0)1904 325500
Office: CSE/242E-mail: Send e-mail using web form
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