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Warning: there are a bunch of comments on the positional fields of constructors in this module (perhaps the constructors should be record constructors so that they can have docstrings on their fields?)
data NT
= NTany Id
| NTvar Id Kind
| NTexist Id Kind
| NTstrict NT
| NTapp NT NT
| NTcons Id Kind [NT]
| NTcontext Id Id
data NewType
= NoType
| NewType [Id] [Id] [(Id, Id)] [NT]
data Kind
= Star
| (:->:) Kind Kind
mkNTvar :: Id -> NT
mkNTexist :: Id -> NT
mkNTcons :: Id -> [NT] -> NT
anyNT :: [Id] -> NT -> NT
consNT :: NT -> [Id]
freeNT :: NT -> [Id]
freshNT :: (Id -> Id) -> NT -> NT
polyNT :: [Id] -> NT -> NT
strTVar :: Id -> String
sndNTvar :: (a, Id) -> (a, NT)
strNT :: (Id -> String) -> (Id -> String) -> NT -> String
strictNT :: NT -> Bool
transCtxs :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> [(c, a)] -> [(d, b)]
useNT :: NT -> [Id]
contextNT :: NT -> Bool
ntContext2Pair :: NT -> (Id, Id)
stripNT :: NT -> Id
anyVarNT :: NT -> Maybe Id
data NT
NTany Idcan be instantiated with unboxed (needed during type checking)
NTvar Id Kind
NTexist Id Kind
NTstrict NT
NTcons Id Kind [NT]combines constructor + application
NTcontext Id Idcontext (class, type variable) purpose here completely unclear (used?)
show/hide Instances
Ord NT
Show NT
Substitute NT
data NewType
Perhaps NewType is a type schema? It quantifies variables over an arrow of NTs.
NewType [Id] [Id] [(Id, Id)] [NT]
show/hide Instances
data Kind
(:->:) Kind Kind
show/hide Instances
Eq Kind
Ord Kind
mkNTvar :: Id -> NT
mkNTexist :: Id -> NT
mkNTcons :: Id -> [NT] -> NT
anyNT :: [Id] -> NT -> NT
consNT :: NT -> [Id]
Determine the type constructors that occur in the given type
freeNT :: NT -> [Id]
Determine type variables that occur in given type.
freshNT :: (Id -> Id) -> NT -> NT
Exchange type variables according to given mapping in given type. (not existentially quantified vars.
polyNT :: [Id] -> NT -> NT
strTVar :: Id -> String
sndNTvar :: (a, Id) -> (a, NT)
strNT :: (Id -> String) -> (Id -> String) -> NT -> String
Show function for NT, parameterised by show functions for constructors/class names and for type variables.
strictNT :: NT -> Bool
transCtxs :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> [(c, a)] -> [(d, b)]
FIXME: Isn't this type a tad more general than appropriate for the name?
useNT :: NT -> [Id]
Same as consNT except that constructor from NTcontext goes also into result. used only in module Export
contextNT :: NT -> Bool
ntContext2Pair :: NT -> (Id, Id)
stripNT :: NT -> Id
anyVarNT :: NT -> Maybe Id
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