We propose a timed model of Circus which is a compact extension of original Circus. Apart from introducing time, this model uses UTP-style semantics to describe each process as a reactive design. One of significant contributions of our timed model is to extensively explore the reactive design miracle, the top element of a complete lattice with respect to the implication ordering. The employment of the miracle brings a number of brand-new features such as deadline and urgent events, which provide a more powerful and flexible expressiveness in system specifications.
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BibTex Entry

 address = {Pisa, Italy},
 author = {Kun Wei and Jim Woodcock and Alan Burns},
 booktitle = {8th International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods ({SEFM})},
 month = {September},
 organization = {IEEE Computer Society},
 pages = {315--319},
 title = {A Timed Model of Circus with the Reactive Design Miracle},
 year = {2010}