Simple, stateless networking protocols provide a low-cost and predictable foundation upon which to build decentralised applications. Sensornets are complex, containing emergent behaviour; identifying protocols offering appropriate behaviour may be difficult. In this paper we evaluate the relative performance of gossiping protocol variants in non-ideal sensornets. We examine the extent to which a ``standard'' gossiping protocol might be outperformed by variants of this standard, each specialised and optimised to mitigate anticipated problems. We categorise and measure the undesired behaviours that remain, as a foundation for future protocols which will address these specific issues.

BibTex Entry

 address = {Los Alamitos, CA},
 author = {J. Tate and I. Bate},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Conference on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems},
 editor = {R. Sterritt and B. Eames and J. Sprinkle},
 month = {Mar},
 organization = {IEEE Technical Committee on Engineering of Computer-Based Systems},
 pages = {19--28},
 publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
 title = {Do sensornet protocol variants yield real benefits?},
 year = {2010}