Probabilistic methods provide probability density or mass distributions for the execution time or the assumed worst case execution time instead of a single WCET value. While the resulting probability tends to fall towards zero quickly, the actual zero value, i.e. the 100 % guarantee, is reached only with unreasonable overestimation of the real WCET. In order to cope with this, this paper proposes to use similar techniques to hardware dependability analysis, where a 100 % guarantee is physically impossible and a certain, usually very small amount of risk is acceptable.

BibTex Entry

 address = {Vienna, Austria},
 author = {Stefan M. Petters},
 booktitle = {2nd International Workshop on Worst Case Execution Time Analysis 2002},
 category = {wcet},
 month = {Jun 18},
 note = {Satellite Workshop of 14th Euromicro International Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS2002)},
 title = {How much Worst Case is Needed in WCET Estimation?},
 year = {2002}