In this paper, we present the first stage of our research strategy to develop an immune-inspired solution for detecting anomalies in a foraging swarm robotic system with an immuno-engineering approach. Within immuno-engineering, the initial stage of our research involves the understanding of problem domain, namely anomaly detection, in a foraging swarm robotic system deployed in dynamic environments.We present a systematically derived set of activities for this stage derived with Goal Structuring Notation and results of experiments carried out to establish the time-varying behaviour and how anomalies manifest themselves. Our future work will then be used to select and tailor an appropriate AIS algorithm to provide an effective and efficient means of anomaly detection.

BibTex Entry

 author = {HK Lau and I. Bate and J. Timmis},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Artificial Immune Systems (ICARIS 2009)},
 editor = {P.S. Andrews and J. Timmis and N.D.L Owens and U. Aickelin and E. Hart and A. Hone and A.M. Tyrrell},
 pages = {136-150},
 publisher = {Springer},
 series = {LNCS 5666},
 title = {An Immuno-engineering Approach for Anomaly Detection in Swarm Robotics},
 year = {2009}