Java is becoming increasingly popular in many application areas due to its rich programming semantics and portability. We believe that high-integrity real-time systems can also greatly benefit by adopting the Java technology, provided the unpredictable overheads and insecurity of the run-time system are conquered. We illustrate in this paper our on-going work on a safe mobile code representation based on SSA form, and a run-time system that will enable us to examine program code in terms of safety, WCET, and schedulability. Some miscellaneous techniques for detecting race conditions and allocating registers are discussed along with examples.

BibTex Entry

 author = {J. Kwon and A. Wellings and S. King},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the Work-In-Progress Session, 22nd IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, YCS 337},
 category = {wcet, languages},
 editor = {G. Fohler},
 pages = {37-40},
 publisher = {Department of Computer Science, University of York},
 title = {A Safe Mobile Code Representation and Run-time Architecture for High-Integrity Real-Time Java Programs},
 year = {2001}