The Real-Time Specification for Java (RTSJ) is becoming mature. It has been implemented, formed the basis for research and used in serious applications. Some strengths and weaknesses are emerging. One of the areas that require further elaboration is asynchronous event handling. The primary goal for AsyncEventHandlers is to have a light concurrency mechanism. Some implementation will, however, simply map an AsyncEventHandler to a server thread and this results in undermining the original motivations. In this paper we closely look at some known RTSJ implementations in terms of their asynchronous event handling techniques. We also present our own model of AEH, a monitor model. We then define formal models of RTSJ AEH implementations using the automata formalism provided in the UPPAAL tool. Using the models their properties are explored and verified. The results of the verifications have shown that the current AEH systems used in some RTSJ implementations can be optimised so that the original motivations for AEH could be better achieved.
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BibTex Entry

 address = {New York, NY, USA},
 author = {MinSeong Kim and Andy Wellings},
 booktitle = {JTRES '07: Proceedings of the 5th international workshop on Java technologies for real-time and embedded systems},
 doi = {},
 isbn = {978-59593-813-8},
 location = {Vienna, Austria},
 pages = {3--12},
 publisher = {ACM},
 title = {Asynchronous event handling in the real-time specification for Java},
 year = {2007}