Despite Java's initial promise of providing a reliable and cost-effective platform-independent environment, the language appears to be unfavourable in the area of high-integrity systems and real-time systems. To encourage the use of Java in the development of distributed high-integrity real-time systems, the language environment must provide not only a well-defined specification or subset, but also a complete environment with appropriate analysis tools. We propose an extensible distributed high-integrity real-time Java environment, called XRTJ, that supports three attributes, i.e., predictable programming model, dependable static analysis environment, and reliable distributed run-time environment. The goal of this paper is to present an overview of our on-going project and report on its current status. We also raise some important issues in the area of distributed high-integrity systems, and present how we can deal with them by defining two distributed run-time models where safe and timely operations will be supported.

BibTex Entry

 annote = {},
 author = {E. Yu-Shing Hu and J. Kwon and A. J. Wellings},
 crossref = {},
 journal = {Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Real-Time and Embedded Computing Systems and Applications RTCSA-2003},
 key = {},
 month = {February},
 note = {},
 number = {},
 pages = {208--228},
 title = {{XRTJ:} {A}n {E}xtensible {D}istributed {H}igh-{I}ntegrity {R}eal-{T}ime {J}ava {E}nvironment},
 volume = {LNCS 2968},
 year = {2003}