The purpose of this paper is to investigate the issues related to task attribute assignment on an individual processor. The majority of papers on fixed priority scheduling make the assumption that tasks have their attributes (deadline, period, offset and priority) pre-assigned. This makes priority assignment trivial. However in practice, the system's timing requirements are specified and it is expected that the task attributes are synthesised from these. This paper is to present work that has been developed to solve this problem.

BibTex Entry

 author = {I. Bate and A. Burns},
 booktitle = {11th Euromicro Workshop on Real-Time Systems},
 category = {scheduling},
 month = {Jun},
 optannote = {},
 optcrossref = {},
 opteditor = {},
 optkey = {},
 optnote = {},
 optnumber = {},
 optorganization = {},
 optpublisher = {},
 optseries = {},
 optvolume = {},
 pages = {46-53},
 title = {An Approach to Task Attribute Assignment for Uniprocessor Systems},
 year = {1999}