Modelling and Optimising Complex Heterogeneous Architecture

The Modelling and Optimising Complex Heterogeneous Architecture (MOCHA) project at the University of York aims to equip the Huawei 5G base stations with increased real-time capabilities (i.e., the response time can be bounded in the worst case), reduce latency and improve throughput, to serve the emerging applications in the domains of industrial automation, highly automated driving, and robotics under ultra-reliable low-latency communication (uRLLC) mixed with other types of traffic. The keys to achieve these objectives lie on both the scheduling and memory levels.

Considering a multi-core architecture as is in the Huawei 5G base station, resource management plays the central role. Simple scheduling heuristics to keep the cores busy may lead to long average- and worst-case latency. We will propose scheduling and allocation mechanisms towards more efficient resource utilisation and improvement on the worst case, together with static analysis to tightly bound the response time, as well as digital twin to explore the system and perform statistical evaluation.


Status Current
UoY Lead Iain Bate
UoY People on Project Wanli Chang, Alan Burns, Xiaotian Dai, Shuai Zhao
Partners Huawei
Funded By Huawei
Start Date 01-12-2019
End Date 01-12-2022
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