A project to support the development of the UK's next generation nuclear power stations.

Funded by: UK Atomic Energy Authority

Project NEPTUNE, NEutrals and Plasma TUrbulence Numerics for the Exascale, represents the fusion modelling use case of ExCALIBUR (Exascale Computing Algorithms and Infrastructures Benefiting UK Research).

Its goal is to develop new algorithms, software and related e-infrastructure that will result in the efficient use of current Petascale and future Exascale supercomputing hardware in order to draw insights from ITER 'big data' and to guide the design of a UK demonstration nuclear fusion power plant and related fusion technology as we approach the Exascale.

NEPTUNE is a UK-wide collaboration of engineers, physicists and computer scientists. Our involvement is in the development and maintenance of performance portable plasma simulations.

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Featured researcher

Steven Wright

Dr Wright's current research focus is the use of high performance computing (HPC) in plasma physics simulations.

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