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Dr Victoria J Hodge BSc, PhD (York)
Research Fellow – Safe Robotics


A computer scientist and software engineer, Victoria is a Senior Researcher (Research Fellow) in the Centre for Assuring Autonomy (CfAA).

Her research and software development focuses on artificial intelligence (AI), anomaly detection, machine learning and safety assurance across a variety of domains focused on robotics and autonomy.

Key highlights

Victoria currently works on a number of projects in through-life safety assurance of AI for autonomous systems - with particular focus on safe robotics platforms, and assuring AI and robots in uncertain environments.

She has authored over 70 publications covering: AI; ML; anomaly detection; data analytics; data-processing frameworks; neural networks; robotics and safety assurance.


She holds a PhD in Computer Science from the University of York.

She has worked in industry as a software architect for medical diagnostics products; and as a software engineer on applications including condition monitoring and anomaly detection in industrial environments, and deep reinforcement learning for robot navigation.

Visit my webpages to find out more


Contact details

Department of Computer Science
University of York
Deramore Lane
YO10 5GH

Phone: +44 (0)1904 325500

Office: ISA
