Creating New Chips

The Java BreadBoard Simulator was designed to be easily extended with new chips.  Chips are created in java and must implement the jbreadboard.v1_00.ChipModel interface and be in package chips.

To compile the chipmodel you will need your own version of the program running locally.   Download and uncompress it.  When compiling your chip models you will need to add jbreadboard.jar (in the zipfile) to the classpath.  When compiled, move the class file that was output into the chips folder where you uncompressed  

When you run the application it should automatically detect your new model and you should be able to select it from the chip selection dialog.

The following files give example models:
(You will be able to copy code from these to implement the simpler methods in your model)    Quadruple 2-Input Positive-Nand Gates
This file show a basic combinatorial chip with floating inputs.  It also shows how the different derivatives are handled from changes in timing to a different pinout for one derivative.    And-Gated J-K Positive-Egde Triggered Flip Flops With Preset And Clear
A more complicated device with internal state.  Also demonstrates how signal edges can be detected.