Second International Workshop on
Theoretical and Experimental Material Computing
(TEMC 2020)

The Second International Workshop on Theoretical and Experimental Material Computing (TEMC 2020; postponed from last year) will be held online, as a satellite workshop of the Artificial Life Conference (ALife 2021), 19–23 July 2021.

Material computing  exploits unconventional physical substrates and/or unconventional computational models to perform physical computation in a non-silicon and/or non-Turing paradigm. Such computations find a natural home in a variety of ALife applications, including unconventional and soft robotics.  TEMC 2020 will encompass a range of theoretical and experimental approaches to material computing.  The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers from a range of connected fields, to inform of latest findings, to engage across the disciplines, to transfer discoveries and concepts from one field to another, and to inspire new collaborations and new ideas.

Programme  (Wed 21 July 2021)

9:00-9:20 BST (10:00-10:20 CEST)
Susan Stepney, University of York (chair)
Introduction and Welcome

9:20-10:20 BST (10:20-11:20 CEST)
Herbert Jaeger new tab icon, University of Groningen (keynote speaker)
Material Computing: From Fruits to Roots

10:20-11:00 BST (11:20-12:00 CEST)
Odd Rune Lykkebø.  
Implementing Cellular Automata in Artificial Spin Ice

11:00-11:30 BST (12:00-12:30 CEST)

11:30-12:10 BST (12:30-13:10 CEST)
Kristine Heiney, Ola Huse Ramstad, Sidney Pontes-Filho, Tom Glover, Trym Lindell, Jørgen Jensen Farner1, Håkon Weydahl, Stefano Nichele.  
Bridging the computational gap: From biological to artificial substrates

12:10-12:50 BST (13:10-13:50 CEST)
A.S. Goossens, M. A. T. Leiviska, A. Jaman, T. Banerjee.  
Anisotropy and current control of magnetization in oxide devices for unconventional computing

12:50-13:30 BST (13:50-14:30 CEST)
Matt Dale.  
Reservoir computing with magnetic films in the SpInspired project

13:30 BST (14:30 CEST)
workshop close

Programme and Abstracts new tab icon

Programme and Organising Committee

Susan Stepney, Matt Dale

Simon O’Keefe, Angelika Sebald, Martin Trefzer

TEMC 2020 is sponsored by the
EPRSC SpInspired project EP/R032823/1 and the University of York, UK