(if no) Do you provide a link to a glossary or a list of terms (including pronunciations)? (TXT31)

Why is this important?

Definitions should be provided for any words with ambiguous pronunciation in the content of the webpage. This is useful for everyone but particularly for people who are blind and use a screen reader, people who are partially sighted and use a screen magnifier, and people with specific learning difficulties. Screen readers may not pronounce a word correctly making it more difficult to understand. Similarly, screen magnifiers may reduce any contextual cues from the surrounding text. Where the text may be ambiguous if the pronunciation is unknown, It is important to specify the pronunciation.

How to fix the problem

The definition of any words with ambiguous pronunciation can be provided in the text content or in a separate glossary or list of terms. If the definition is on a separate webpage, then at least the first instance of the word with ambiguous pronunciationshould link to this definition.


No example is available.

Further Information