Is the text aligned to either the left or right side (and not justified)? (TXT19)

Why is this important?

People with specific learning disabilities sometimes struggle to read text that is both left and right justified. Justification results in uneven spacing between words, which in itself can make it difficult to read. Furthermore, the gaps between words in a block of justified text can appear to merge together, causing what some people call "rivers of white" to run through the text. This can also make it difficult to read and in some cases impossible. It is important therefore to align text to either the left or right side without any text justification.

How to fix the problem

Text alignment can be specified either left or right in CSS using the "text-align" property.


//The text-align property of CSS
p {
text-align: left;

Further Information

  1. http://webaim.org/techniques/textlayout/
  2. https://support.affinnova.com/entries/22080847-How-Text-Alignment-Affects-Online-Readability