Does the webpage have relevant and descriptive headings? (TXT06)

Why is this important?

As well being used to structurally organise the content on a webpage into sections, headings should also be used to accurately describe the content in each section. This helps anyone reading the webpage to understand what each section contains and allow them to interpret and navigate the webpage efficiently. Screen reader users will often navigate a webpage by headings alone, so each heading should be sufficiently descriptive on its own.

How to fix the problem

Check to make sure that the headings on a webpage accurately describe the section of content they precede. The headings should provide an at-a-glance understanding of the content on the webpage.


//An example of descriptive headings
<h1>How to bake a cake</h1>

Further Information

  1. http://www.peachpit.com/guides/content.aspx?g=webdesign&seqNum=303