Do you provide information about the user's location within the website (e.g. breadcrumb trails, site map, navigation menu etc.)? (NAV07)

Why Is This Important?

When browsing large or complex websites, it can be difficult for a user to identify where they are located within the overall structure of the website.This may result in them being unable to find certain content or they might struggle to navigate back to previous content. It is important therefore to provide some means for the user to identify their location within the website. This is particularly important for blind and partially-sighted users who may rely upon a screen reader.

How To Fix The Problem

On each webpage, provide information about the user's location within the website. This may be as simple as indicating the current page in the navigation menu. Additional information may be provided through site maps or breadcrumb trails. A breadcrumb trail is typically either 'location-based' or 'path-based'. Location-based trails displays the location of the current page within the website's structure. Path-based trails display the webpages that the user has visited before reaching the current page. Breadcrumb trails should be located in the same place on each page.


//A breadcrumb trail

<p><a href="index.htm">Home</a> /
<a href="products.htm">Products</a> /
<a href="stationary.htm">Stationary</a> /

Further Information

  1. http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2009/03/17/breadcrumbs-in-web-design-examples-and-best-practices-2/