Do you provide more than one way of locating content within the website (e.g. search, table of contents, related links, site map etc.)? (NAV06)

Why Is This Important?

Different users use different methods of locating content within a website. Some may use the search facility to return a list of relevant content, others may prefer to browse a table of contents or a site map. Some may use the 'related links' on a webpage to move through the website, others may prefer to return to the homepage. Users may find one method easier to use than another and so it is important that a website provides multiple ways of locating content.

How To Fix The Problem

Provide more than one way of locating content within a website. A search facility allows users to serach for a particular item of content. A table of contents or a site map allows a user to browse the contents of a website. Related links allow users to move easily from one related page to another.


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Further Information

  1. http://accessibility.oit.ncsu.edu/training/accessibility-handbook/find-content-multiple.html
  2. http://webaim.org/techniques/sitetools/
  3. http://www-03.ibm.com/able/guidelines/web/webmultipleways_aa.html