(if yes) Can the speech be easily heard over the non-speech sounds? (AAV28)

Why Is This Important?

Audio and video content often includes both speech and non-speech sounds. For example, a football commentator speaking over the noise of the crowd, or a radio broadcaster speaking over a backing track. If the volume level of the non-speech sounds is too loud, it may make it difficult to hear the speech sounds. By ensuring that any speech is louder than the non-speech sounds, this will ensure that the audio content remains audible.

How To Fix The Problem

The volume of different audio tracks will be determined when the content is first produced.Make sure the foreground speech is 20db louder than the background sound. This makes the speech 4 times louder than the background audio.


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Further Information

  1. http://trace.wisc.edu/docs/2004-About-dB/