Are captions provided where needed? (AAV21)

Why Is This Important?

Captions are text versions of the dialogue, commentary and other important sounds (e.g. "dog barks", "bell rings" etc.) in audio and video content. Captions should not be confused with subtitles, which are text versions of dialogue only. Captions allow people who are deaf or heard of hearing to follow what is happening and should be provided for all audio and video content.

How To Fix The Problem

Check whether all audio and video content have captions that include what is being said as well as any important sounds. For live content, captions should be provided in real time.


No example is available.

Further Information

  1. http://webaim.org/techniques/captions/
  2. http://www.bbc.co.uk/accessibility/guides/subtitles/
  3. http://ncam.wgbh.org/invent_build/web_multimedia/tools-guidelines