(if yes) Do you provide a link to a prepared statement or script? (AAV14)

Why Is This Important?

An alternative to providing either a short text alternative or a comprehensive transcription/ captioning service, is to provide a pre-prepared statement or script containing approximately the same information that presented in the audio and video content. In some circumstances (e.g. a live video of a football game) this may not be possible, but when the approximate content is known in advance (e.g. a live video of an opera), this may be a suitable means of providing alternative text. The pre-prepared statement or script may not reflect the live audio and video content precisely and it will not be synchronised with the live content but it should give a good indication of its content and ensure that the information is accessible and can be read by everyone.

How To Fix The Problem

Provide a clearly labelled link to the text alternative immediately before or after the audio and video content. This may be an internal link, if the content is on the same webpage, or it may be a link to a different webpage.


If the transcript is on a different webpage, provide a link back to the original webpage. If the transcript is on the same webpage, provide a "back" or "go to top" link to allow the user to return to the main content.


//A link to the transcript of an audio-only podcast is provided immediately after the podcast.
<a href="podcast.mp3" aria-describedby="transcript_audio" />
<a href="linkto-description.html" id="transcript_audio" >Text transcript of audio file. [MS Word, 50k]</a>

Further Information

  1. http://webaim.org/techniques/images/longdesc
  2. http://www.d.umn.edu/~lcarlson/research/ld.html
  3. http://test.cita.illinois.edu/aria/longdesc/longdesc1.php
  4. http://designfestival.com/longdesc-and-other-long-image-description-solutions-part-1-the-issues/