(if yes) Do the text alternatives match the dialogue and information in the audio or video content? (AAV05)

Why Is This Important?

Text alternatives should match the dialogue and information in the audio and video content as closely as possible. For audio content, the text alternative should include both dialogue and any sounds (either natural or articial). For video content, the text alternative should describe what is happening in the video including descriptions of people, scenery, actions, expressions, etc. Where there are multiple people or characters speaking, the text alternative should identify who is speaking. Essentially, the text alternative should include whatever is necessary to accurately tell the same story and provide the same information.

How To Fix The Problem

Scripts can be a good place to start when creating transcripts of audio or video, however care must be taken to reflect any deviations from the script in the actual production.


No example is available.

Further Information

  1. http://accessibility.psu.edu/video
  2. http://audio-accessibility.com/solutions/best-practices/make-transcripts/
  3. https://www.webaccessibility.com/best_practices.php?best_practice_id=2288