(if yes) Do the text alternatives adequately describe the purpose of the audio or video content? (AAV02)

Why Is This Important?

It is relatively easy to provide alternative text, but more difficult to provide accurate and appropriate alternative text. The ultimate aim is to provide alternative text that serves the same purpose and presents the same information as the audio and video content. For audio and video content that conveys a lot of information (such as video or animation), this may require a very detailed description. Some audio and video content may have a particular purpose and it is important to convey that purpose even if its full function cannot be provided accessibly.

How To Fix The Problem

In writing alternative text, make sure the description of the audio and video content is succinct and clear. Think about what is useful for a non-sighted person to know about the audio and video content. Try disabling the audio and video content in the browser and viewing the text alternative instead. Does the text convey the same information? Is anything lost?


No example is available.

Further Information

  1. http://www.w3.org/community/webed/wiki/Images_in_HTML
  2. http://webaim.org/techniques/alttext/