If a user makes an error while filling out a form, do you automatically provide suggestions on how to fix the error? (FAC30)

Why Is This Important?

In addition to highlighting an errors in a form, it is also useful to make suggestions on how to fix the error. For example, a user of a travel planner might misspell the name of the location they are trying to navigate to. When the user submits the form and the error is detected, the error message could say "You entered "Brimingham", did you mean "Birmingham"?" By providing suggestions, it helps the user not only to identify the error but also helps them provide the correct response.

How To Fix The Problem

Once a form has been submitted and error(s) have been detected, provide a clear error message that conveys this to the user and offers suggestions on how to correct the error. The more specific the error message, the easier it will be for the user to correct it.


Some JavaScript toolkits, such as jQuery, have useful plugins that can be easily configured to provide accessible form validation.


No example is available.

Further Information

  1. http://webaim.org/techniques/formvalidation/#form
  2. http://www.nomensa.com/blog/2010/accessible-forms-using-the-jquery-validation-plug-in/
  3. http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-validation/