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We publish in internationally renowned journals and conferences, with an aim to reach as broad a readership of our work as possible. Beyond publication, many of the group contribute as members of conference chairs for ACM and IFIP conferences, editors and board members of prestigous journals, and serve as leaders nd mentors in the HCI community.

In Press

  • Darzentas, J., Petrie, H. and Darzentas, J.S. (in press). Systems Thinking based Design intervention for Supporting Healthy Ageing and Ageing in Place. Relating Systems Thinking and Design Symposium (RSD6).
  • Darzentas, J.S., Petrie, H. and Darzentas, J. (in press). Employing Service Design and Systems Thinking Approaches as tools to support collaboration across a multi-stakeholder innovation initiative: the responsible food consumption exemplar. Relating Systems Thinking and Design Symposium (RSD6).
  • Petrie, H. and Darzentas, J.S. (accepted). Ways of being older in a digital age. Conference on Ways of Being in a Digital Age (WBDA).


  • Althubaiti, S. and Petrie, H. (2017). Instructions for creating passwords: how do they help in password creation. In Proceedings of 31st British Human Computer Interaction Conference.
  • Chatrangsan, M. and Petrie, H. (2017). Usability and acceptability of tablet computers for older people in Thailand and the UK. In Proceedings of Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction: Design and Development Approaches and Methods (LNCS 10277), Part I. pp 156 – 170. Springer.
  • Eramian, M., Walia, E., Power, C., Cairns, P., and Lewis, A. (2017). Image-based search and retrieval for biface artefacts using features capturing archaeologically significant characteristics. Machine Vision and Applications, 28(1):201–218.
  • Merdenyan, B. and Petrie, H. (2017). Perceptions of the risks of password related activities. In Proceedings of 31st British Human Computer Interaction Conference.
  • Petrie, H. (2017). Young computer scientists’ perceptions of older users of smartphones and computers. In Proceedings of Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction: Design and Development Approaches and Methods (LNCS 10277), Part I, pp 209 – 216. Springer.
  • Petrie, H. and Darzentas, J.S. (2017). Older people and robotic technologies in the home: perspectives from recent research literature. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments (PETRA ’17). ACM Press.
  • Petrie, H. and Darzentas, J.S. (2017). Older people’s use of tablets and smartphones: a critical review of research. In Proceedings of Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction: Design and Development Approaches and Methods (LNCS 10277), Part I. pp 85 – 104. Springer..
  • Petrie, H., Carmien, S. and Lewis, A. (2017). Obtaining Experiential Data on Assistive Technology Device Abandonment. In Proceedings of Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction: Design and Development Approaches and Methods (LNCS 10277), Part I. pp 217 – 226. Springer..
  • Petrie, H., Othman, M. K., and Power, C. (2017). Smartphone guide technology in cultural spaces: Measuring Visitor Experience with an iPhone multimedia guide in Shakespeare’s Church. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, pages 1–11.
  • Power, C., Denisova, A., Papaioannou, T., and Cairns, P. (2017a). Measuring uncertainty in games: Design and preliminary validation. In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI EA ’17, pages 2839–2845, New York, NY, USA. ACM.
  • Power, C., Lewis, A., Petrie, H., Green, K., Richards, J., Eramian, M., Chan, B., Walia, E., Sijaranamual, I., and Rijke, M. D. (2017). Improving archaeologists’ online archive experiences through user-centred design. J. Comput. Cult. Herit., 10(1):3:1–3:20.
  • Rodriguez-Ascaso, A., Boticario, J.C., Finat, C and Petrie, H. (2017). Setting accessibility preferences about learning objects within adaptive elearning systems: User experience and organizational aspects. Expert Systems, 34(4).
  • Sandoval, L.G. and Petrie, H. (2017). Using freedom of information requests to understand usability problems with e-government websites. In Proceedings of 31st British Human Computer Interaction Conference.
  • Sani, Z.H.A. and Petrie, H. (2017). Evaluation of an app to support healthy living by older adults. In Proceedings of 31st British Human Computer Interaction Conference.
  • Sani, Z.H.A. and Petrie, H. (2017). User evaluation of an app for liquid monitoring by older adults. In Proceedings of Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction: Design and Development Approaches and Methods (LNCS 10277), Part III. pp 217 – 226. Springer.
  • Scantlebury, A., Sheard, L., Watt, I., Cairns, P., Wright, J., and Adamson, J. (2017). Exploring the implementation of an electronic record into a maternity unit: a qualitative study using normalisation process theory. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 17(1):4.
  • Thimbleby, H. and Cairns, P. (2017). Interactive numerals. Royal Society Open Science, 4(4).


  • Cairns, P. (2016) Experimental Methods in Human-Computer Interaction. In Soedergaard, M., Dam, R.F. The Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction, 2nd edn, chap 34, online
  • Cairns, P. (2016) Engagement in Digital Games in O'Brien, H., Cairns, P. Why Engagement Matters: Cross-disciplinary perspectives on engagement in digital media, Springer, 81-104
  • Clarke, A., Adamson, J., Watt, I., Sheard, L., Cairns, P., Wright, J. (2016) The impact of electronic records on patient safety: a qualitative study. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 16(62), doi: 10.1186/s12911-016-0299-y
  • Denisova, A., Nordin, A. I., &Cairns, P. (2016) The Convergence of Player Experience Questionnaires.ACM CHI Play 2016, ACM Press, 33-37
  • Hudson, M., Cairns, P. (2016) The effects of winning or losing on social presence in team-based digital games. Computers in Human Behavior, 60, 1-12
  • O'Brien, H., Cairns, P., eds (2016) Why Engagement Matters: Cross-disciplinary perspectives of user engagement in digital media, Springer.
  • Salah, D., Paige, R., Cairns, P. (2016) A maturity model for integrating agile processes and user centred design. Software Process Improvement and Capability Determination, SPICE 2016, CCIS 609, Springer, 109-122
  • Tu, H., Oladimeji, P., Wiseman, S., Thimbleby, H., Cairns, P., &Niezen, G. (2016) Employing number-based graphical representations to enhance the effects of visual check on entry error detection. Interacting with Computers, 28(2), 194-207.


  • Edwards, A.D.N., Abd Hamid, N.N. and Petrie, H. (2015). Exploring map orientation with interactive audio-tactile maps. In Proceedings of the 15th IFIP International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT 2015). Springer.
  • Layas, F., Petrie, H. and Power, C. (2015). A cross-cultural study of motivations to participate in a crowdsourcing project to support people with disabilities. In Proceedings of the 3rd AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP 15). AAAI.
  • Melis-Dankers, B.J.M., Havik, E.M., Steyvers, F.J.J.M., Petrie, H. and Kooijman, A.C. (2015). Accessibility of shared space by visually challenged people. In G. Kouroupetroglou (Ed.), Proceedings of International Conference on Enabling Access for Persons with Visual Impairment (ICEAPVI 2015) (Athens, Greece, 12 – 14 February). ISBN: 978-960-466-145-9.
  • Merdenyan, B. and Petrie, H. (2015). User reviews of gamepad controllers: a source of user requirements and user experience. Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (CHI PLAY 15). New York: ACM Press.
  • Petrie, H., Savva, A. and Power, C. (2015). Towards a unified definition of web accessibility. In Proceedings of the 12th International Web for All Conference (W4A) (18 – 20 May, Florence). New York: ACM Press.
  • Petrie, H., Walsh, T. Odutola, O. and Ang, L. (2015). Cross-cultural issues in working with users in the design of interactive systems. In Proceedings of International Conference on Research into Design (ICoRD '15) (7 – 9 January, Bangalore, India). Springer (India).
  • Savva, A., Petrie, H. and Power, C. (2015). Comparing concurrent and retrospective verbal protocols for blind and sighted users. In Proceedings of the 15th IFIP International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT 2015). Springer.
  • Swallow, D., Petrie, H., Power, C. and Edwards, A.D.N. (2015). Using photo diaries to elicit user requirements from older adults: a case study on mobility barriers. In Proceedings of the 15th IFIP International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT 2015). Springer.
  • Walsh, T., Petrie, H. and Zhang, A. (2015). Localization of story boards for cross-cultural user studies. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM 15). New York: ACM.
  • Borghouts, J.W., Soboczenski, F., Cairns, P., Brumby, D.P. (2015) Visualising Magnitude: Graphical Number Representations Help Users Detect Large Number Entry Errors. HFES 2015 International Annual Meeting
  • Clarke, A., Adamson, J., Sheard, L., Cairns P., Watt I., Wright, J. (2015) Implementing electronic patient record systems (EPRs) into England's acute, mental health and community care trusts: a mixed methods study, BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 15(85).
  • Cole, T., Cairns, P., Gillies, M. (2015) Emotional and Functional Challenge in Core and Avant-garde Games .ACM CHI PLAY 2015 , ACM Press, 121-126
  • Cornelissen, K. K., Bester, A., Cairns, P., Tovee, M. J, Cornelissen, P. J. The influence of personal BMI on body size estimations and sensitivity to body size change in anorexia spectrum disorders. Body Image, 13, 75-85
  • Denisova, A., Cairns, P. (2015) The Placebo Effect in Digital Games: Phantom Perceptionof Adaptive Artificial Intelligence. ACM CHI PLAY 2015, ACM Press, 23-33
  • Denisova, A., Cairns, P. (2015) Adaptation in Digital Games: The Effect of Challenge Adjustment on Player Performance and Experience. ACM CHI PLAY 2015, ACM Press, 97-101
  • Denisova, A., Cairns, P. (2015) First Person vs. Third Person Perspective in Digital Games: Do Player Preferences Affect Immersion?, ACM CHI 2015, ACM Press, 145-148
  • Hudson, M., Cairns, P. (2015) Familiarity in Team-Based Online Games: The Interplay Between Player Familiarity and the Concepts of Social Presence, Team Trust, and Performance, Advances in Visual Informatics, Springer, 140-151.
  • Iacovides, I., Cox, A., Kennedy, R., Cairns, P., Jennett, C. (2015) Removing the HUD: The Impact of Non-Diegetic Game Elements and Expertise on Player Involvement. ACM CHI PLAY 2015, ACM Press, 13-22
  • O'Brien, H., Cairns, P. (2015) An empirical evaluation of User Engagement Scale (UES) in online news environments, Information Processing and Management, 51, 413-427
  • Salah, D., Paige, R., Cairns, P. (2015) Observations on utilising usability maturity model-human centredness scales in integrating agile development processes and user centred design. Software Process Improvement and Capability Determination, SPICE 2015, CCIS 526, Springer, 159-176
  • Salah, D., Paige, R., Cairns, P. (2015) Patterns for integrating agile development processes and user centred design. Proc. 20th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP '15). ACM, New York, Article 19
  • Soboczenski, F., Hudson, M., Cairns, P. (2015) The Effects of Perceptual Interference on Number-Entry Errors.Interacting with Computers, 28(2), 208-218
  • Thimbleby, H., Oladimeji, P., Cairns, P. (2015) Unreliable numbers: error and harm induced by bad design can be reduced by better design. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 110(12).
  • Zendle, D., Cairns, P., Kudenko, D. (2015) Higher Graphical Fidelity Decreases Players Access to Aggressive Concepts in Violent Video Games. ACM CHI PLAY 2015, ACM Press, 241-251


  • Kamollimsakul, S., Petrie, H. and Power, C. (2014). The effect of text colour and background color on skim reading webpages in Thai. C. Stephanidis (Ed.), Proceedings of HCII 2014. Springer.
  • Kamollimsakul, S., Petrie, H. and Power, C. (2014). Web accessibility for older readers: effects of font type and font size on skim reading webpages in Thai. Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs (Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol 8548). Springer.
  • Petrie, H., Darzentas, J. and Power, C. (2014). Self-service terminals for older and disabled users: attitudes of key stakeholders. Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs (Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 8548). Springer.
  • Petrie, H., Gallagher, B. and Darzentas, J. (2014). A critical review of eight years of research on technologies for disabled and older people. Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs (Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol 8548). Springer.
  • Petrie, H., Gallagher, B. and Darzentas, J. (2014). Technology for older people a critical review. C. Stephanidis (Ed.), Proceedings of HCII 2014. Springer.
  • Swallow, D., Power, C., Petrie, H., Bramwell-Dicks, A., Buykx, L., Velasco, C., Parr, A. and O Connor, J. (2014). Speaking the language of web developers: Evaluation of a Web Accessibility Information Resource (WebAIR). Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs (Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol 8548). Springer.
  • Walsh, T., Petrie, H. and Odutola, O. (2014). Developing interactive systems for different cultures: issues of assessing user experience with visual materials. In Proceedings of the 26th Australian Computer Human Interaction Conference (OzCHI '14) (2 – 5 December, Sydney). New York: ACM Press.
  • Walsh, T., Varsaluoma, J., Sujala, S., Nurkka, P., Petrie, H. and Power, C. (2014). Axe UX: Exploring long-term user experience with iScale and AttrakDiff. In Proceedings of AcademicMindTrek '14 (4- 7 November, Tampere, Finland). New York: ACM Press.
  • Edwards, Alistair D. N &Newell, Christopher (2013) Creative Speech Technology: Editorial introduction to this special issue Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology, doi: 10.3109/14015439.2013.837504
  • Bramwell-Dicks, A., Petrie, H. &Edwards, A. D. N Affective Musical Interaction: Influencing Users' Behaviour and Experiences with Music (in) S. Holland, K. Wilkie, P. Mulholland &A. Seago (eds.) Music and Human-Computer Interaction, Berlin: Springer
  • Nazatul Naquiah Abd Hamid &Alistair D. N. Edwards, Facilitating Route Learning Using Interactive Audio-Tactile Maps for Blind and Visually Impaired People Extended Abstracts, Proceedings of ACM Chi 2013.
  • Cairns, P., Cox, A., Nordin, A.I. (2014) Immersion in Digital Games: Review of Gaming Experience Research, in Angelides, M.C., Agius, H. (eds) Handbook of Digital Games, IEEE/John Wiley and Sons, 339-361
  • Cairns, P., Pandab, P., Power, C. (2014) The influence of emotion on number entry errors, ACM CHI 2014, ACM Press, 2293-2296
  • Cairns, P., Li, J., Wang, W., Nordin A.I.(2014) The influence of controllers on immersion in digital games, ACM CHI 2014, ACM Press, 371-380
  • Howes, A., Cowan, B.R., Janssen, C.P., Cox, A.L., Cairns, P., Hornof, A.J., Payne, S.J. and Pirolli, P. (2014)Interaction science SIG: overcoming challenges ACM CHI EA '14 , ACM Press, 1127-1130.
  • Hudson, M., Cairns, P. (2014) Interrogating social presence with experiential vignettes, Entertainment Computing, 5, 101-114 DOI
  • Hudson, M., Cairns, P. (2014) Measuring social presence in team-based digital games, in Riva, G., Waterworth, J., Murray, D. (eds) Interacting with Presence, VERSITA (open access)
  • Nordin, A.I., Cairns, P., Hudson, M., Alonso, A., Calvillo Gamez, E. H. (2014) The effect of surroundings on gaming experience in Proc. of 9th Foundation of Digital Games
  • Nordin, A.I., Denisova, A., Cairns, P. (2014) Too Many Questionnaires: Measuring Player Experience Whilst Playing Digital Games, 7th York Doctoral Symposium on Computer Science and Electronics
  • Salah, D., Paige, R., Cairns, P. (2014) A systematic literature review on agile development processes and user centred design integration. 18th Int. Conf. on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering, EASE
  • Salah, D., Paige, R., Cairns, P. (2014) An Empirical Study on Integrating Agile and User Centered Design. Proc. of BCS HCI 2014
  • Salah, D., Paige, R., Cairns, P. (2014) Integrating Agile Development Processes and User Centred Design - A Place for Usability Maturity Models? Proc. of Human-Centred Software Engineering (HCSE) 2014, LNCS 8742, Springer, 108-125
  • Salah, D., Paige, R., Cairns, P. (2014) An evaluation template for expert review of maturity Models Proc. of Product-Focused Software Process Improvement (PROFES) 2014, LNCS 8892, Springer, 318-321
  • Salah El-Din, R., Cairns, P., Clark, J. (2014) Mobile users' strategies for managing phishing attacks J. of Management Strategy, 5(2)
  • C. Power and J. Fox, Comparing the comprehensiveness of three expert inspection methodologies for detecting errors in interactive systems, Safety Science, vol. 62, pp. 286–294, 2014.This link opens a new window.
  • D. Swallow, C. Power, H. Petrie, A. Bramwell-Dicks, L. Buykx, C. A. Velasco, A. Parr, and J. O. Connor, Speaking the Language of Web Developers: Evaluation of a Web Accessibility Information Resource (WebAIR), in Computers Helping People with Special Needs (ICCHP 2014), pp. 348–355, Springer International Publishing, 2014.This link opens a new window.
  • P. Cairns, P. Pandab, and C. Power, The influence of emotion on number entry errors, in Proceedings of the 32nd annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp. 2293–2296, ACM, 2014.This link opens a new window.
  • H. Petrie, J. S. Darzentas, and C. Power, Self-Service Terminals for Older and Disabled Users: Attitudes of Key Stakeholders, in Computers Helping People with Special Needs (ICCHP 2014), pp. 340–347, Springer International Publishing, 2014.This link opens a new window.


  • Cairns, P. (2013) A commentary on short questionnaires for assessing usability. Interacting with Computers, 25(4), 327-330
  • Cairns, P., Cox, A. L., Day, M., Martin, H., Perryman, T. (2013) Who but not where: The effect of social play on immersion in digital games, Int. J. of Human-Computer Studies, 71(11), 1069-1077
  • Koutsouras, P., Cairns, P. (2013) User-generated content as cues for performance in LittleBigPlanet, Foundations of Digital Games, 2013
  • Nordin, A. I., Animashaun, A., Adams, J., Ali, J., Asch, J., Cairns, P. (2013) Attention, time perception and immersion in games. ACM CHI 2013, ACM Press, 1089-1094
  • Nordin, A. I., Cairns, P. (2013) Evaluating immersion and time perception in digital games In Games User Research, GURCHI Workshop at ACM CHI 2013
  • Soboczenski, F., Cairns, P., Cox, A. (2013) Increasing accuracy by decreasing presentation quality in transcription tasks. Interact 2013, Springer LNCS 8118, 380-394.
  • A. Bramwell-Dicks, H. Petrie, A. D. Edwards, and C. Power, Affective musical interaction: Influencing users' behaviour and experiences with music, in Music and Human-Computer Interaction, pp. 67–83, Springer, 2013.This link opens a new window.
  • M. K. Othman, H. Petrie, and C. Power, Measuring the Usability of a Smartphone Delivered Museum Guide, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, vol. 97, pp. 629–637, 2013.This link opens a new window.
  • M. K. Othman, H. Petrie, and C. Power, Visitors' Emotions, Touristic or Spiritual Experiences in Historic Churches: The Development of Church Experience Scale (CES), Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, vol. 97, pp. 675–683, 2013.This link opens a new window.
  • H. Petrie, S. Kamollimsakul, and C. Power, Web accessibility for older adults: effects of line spacing and text justification on reading web pages, in Proceedings of the 15th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, p. 77, ACM, 2013.This link opens a new window.
  • C. Power, H. Petrie, D. Swallow, E. Murphy, B. Gallagher, and C. A. Velasco, Navigating, Discovering and Exploring the Web: Strategies Used by People with Print Disabilities on Interactive Websites, in Human-Computer Interaction–INTERACT 2013, pp. 667–684, Springer, 2013.This link opens a new window.


  • Petrie, H. and Darzentas, J. (2012). New technologies, new audiences: addressing accessibility for older and disabled people in the museum of the 21st century. La Vie des Musées, 24, 119 – 122.
  • Petrie, H. and Power, C. (2012). What do users really care about?: a comparison of usability problems found by users and experts on highly interactive websites. Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Human Factors in Computing (CHI 2012). New York: ACM Press.
  • Power, C., Freire, A., Petrie, H. and Swallow, D. (2012). Guidelines are only half the story: accessibility problems encountered by blind users on the web. Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Human Factors in Computing (CHI 2012). New York: ACM Press.


  • Blythe, M., Petrie, H. and Clark, J. (2011). F for Fake: Four studies on how we fall for phish. In Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Human Factors in Computing (CHI 2011). New York: ACM Press.
  • Buykx, L., Petrie, H. and Cairns, P. (2011). Capturing family recipes for digital sharing across generations. Proceedings of INCLUDE 2011.
  • Buykx, L., Petrie, H. and Cairns, P. (2011). Ageing and the kitchen: a study of everyday object interactions. Proceedings of INCLUDE 2011.
  • Freire, A.P., Petrie, H., and Power, C. (2011). Empirical Results from an Evaluation of the Accessibility of Websites by Dyslexic Users. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Accessible Design in the Digital World 2011, Lisbon, Portugal, September 5, 2011.
  • Gallagher, B., Goswami, D., Ruff, B., Buchanan, A., Rodriguez, Dura, J. and Petrie, H. (2011). Navigational support for people with vision impairment. Proceedings of 10thInternational Conference on Low Vision. International Society for Low Vision Research and Rehabilitation. Kuala Lumpur, February 20 – 24.
  • Othman, K., Petrie, H. and Power, C. (2011). Engaging visitors in museums with technology: scales for the measurement of visitor and multimedia guide experience. INTERACT'11: Proceedings of the 13th IFIP TC 13 international conference on Human-computer interaction - Volume Part IV.
  • Petrie, H., Power, C., Cairns, P. and Seneler, C. (2011). Using card sorts for understanding website information architectures: technological, methodological and cultural issues. INTERACT '11: Proceedings of the 13th IFIP TC 13 international conference on Human-computer interaction - Volume Part IV.
  • Power, C., Petrie, H., Freire, A. and Swallow, D. (2011). Remote evaluation of WCAG 2.0 techniques by web users with visual disabilities. Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction.
  • Weber, G., Petrie, H. and Darzentas, J. (2011). Accessible design in the digital world. INTERACT'11: Proceedings of the 13th IFIP TC 13 international conference on Human-computer interaction - Volume Part IV


  • Jarrett, C., Petrie, H. and Summers, K. (2010). Design to read: designing for people who do not read easily. Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Human Factors in Computing (CHI 2010), Extended Abstracts. New York: ACM Press.
  • Othman, K., Petrie, H. and Power, C. (2010). Understanding visitors’ experiences with multimedia guides in cultural spaces. In A. Aljas, R. Kelomees, M. Laak, P. Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, T. Randviir, P. Runnel, M. Savan, J. Tomberg, Viires, P. (Eds.), Proceedings of Transforming Culture in the Digital Age (International Conference in Tartu, April 14 – 16). Tartu, Estonia: Estonian National Museum, Estonian Literary Museum, and University of Tartu. Pp 30 – 36.
  • Petrie, H.L. and Buykx, L. (2010). Collaborative Heuristic Evaluation: improving the effectiveness of heuristic evaluation. Proceedings of UPA 2010 International Conference. Omnipress. Available at:
  • Petrie, H., Power, C., Velasco, C. Boticario, J.G. (2010). Accessibility of Blended and e-Learning for Mature Age and Disabled Students and Staff. Proceedings of ICCHP 2010 (Vienna, July 11 – 13). Springer Verlag.
  • Petrie, H.L. and Precious, J. (2010). Measuring user experience of websites: think aloud protocols and an emotion word prompt list. Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Human Factors in Computing (CHI 2010), Extended Abstracts. New York: ACM Press.
  • Power, C., Freire, A. and Petrie, H. (2010). Integrating accessibility evaluation into web engineering processes. In T. Spiliotopoulous, P. Papadopoulou, D. Martakos and G. Kouroupetroglou (Ed.), Integrating usability engineering for designing the web experience: methodologies and principles. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. Pp 124 – 148.
  • Power, C. and Petrie, H. (2010). An Experience Report in Requirements Elicitation for Accessible E-Learning Systems. Proceedings of 2010 15th IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS) 22-26 March, 259-261.
  • Power, C., Petrie, H., Sakarov, B. and Swallow, D. (2010). Virtual Learning Environments: Another barrier to blended and elearning. Proceedings of ICCHP 2010 (Vienna, July 11 – 13). Springer Verlag.
  • Swallow, D., Petrie, H. and Power, C. (2010). Understanding and supporting the needs of educational professionals working with students with disabilities and mature age students. Proceedings of ICCHP 2010 (Vienna, July 11 – 13). Springer Verlag.
  • Wright P., Soroka, A.J., Belt, S., Pham, D., Dimov, S., DeRoure, D. and Petrie, H. (2010). Using audio to support animated route information in a hospital touch-screen kiosk. Computers in Human Behaviour, 26, 753-759.