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Hat Project News

April 2005. The start of a new EPSRC-funded project, "A Theory of Tracing Pure Functional Programs". Yong Luo joins Olaf Chitil as a Research Associate at the University of Kent.

October 2004. Tom Davie has become a Research Student under Olaf Chitil at the University of Kent, investigating topics related to tracing and Hat.

April 2004. Two undergraduate projects at the University of York have produced new tools for viewing Hat traces: hat-anim from Tom Davie, and hat-nonterm/black-hat from Mike Dodds.

June 2002. The formal end of the EPSRC-funded project, "Advanced Redex Trails", which developed version 2 of the Hat tracer.

June 2000. Olaf Chitil joins the ART project as a Research Associate at the University of York.

March 2000. The start of an EPSRC-funded project, "Advanced Redex Trails", involving Malcolm Wallace and Colin Runciman at the University of York.

September 1997. The ROPA-funded project "Redex Trails" finishes.

March 1996. The ROPA-funded project "Redex Trails" starts. Jan Sparud joins Colin Runciman at the University of York as a research associate.