YhcSource codeContentsIndex
Deprecated functions
New error interface
Warning: many fields have comments attached, but haddock doesn't seem to support docstrings on positional fields.
exit :: IO a
can'tOpenStr :: String -> [String] -> a -> String
errorLC :: Int -> Int -> String -> a
can'tOpen :: String -> a -> IO b
data Error
= ErrorFileNone ErrPos String FilePath [FilePath]
| ErrorFileMany (FilePath, Pos) String FilePath [FilePath]
| ErrorInternal String String
| ErrorCircularNewtype String
| ErrorCircularType [String]
| ErrorConflictFixities String String String
| ErrorUnboundTypeInstance String String
| ErrorRaw String
type ErrPos = (FilePath, Pos)
noErrPos :: ErrPos
raiseError :: Error -> a
raiseErrors :: String -> [Error] -> a
showError :: Error -> [String]
errorRaw :: [String] -> a
tryReadFile :: String -> FilePath -> IO String
tryWriteFile :: String -> FilePath -> String -> IO ()
Deprecated functions
exit :: IO a
can'tOpenStr :: String -> [String] -> a -> String
errorLC :: Int -> Int -> String -> a
can'tOpen :: String -> a -> IO b
New error interface
data Error
ErrorFileNone ErrPos String FilePath [FilePath]I was looking for a file, it isn't there
ErrorFileMany (FilePath, Pos) String FilePath [FilePath]I was looking for one file, I found too many
ErrorInternal String String
ErrorCircularNewtype StringA newtype definition may be circular [If it may be circular, why is this an error? -SamB]
ErrorCircularType [String]
ErrorConflictFixities String String String
ErrorUnboundTypeInstance String String
ErrorRaw String
type ErrPos = (FilePath, Pos)

The Error data type, most important.

Lists all possible errors with as much information as possible.

noErrPos :: ErrPos
raiseError :: Error -> a
raiseErrors :: String -> [Error] -> a
showError :: Error -> [String]
errorRaw :: [String] -> a
tryReadFile :: String -> FilePath -> IO String
tryWriteFile :: String -> FilePath -> String -> IO ()
Produced by Haddock version 0.8