YhcSource codeContentsIndex
State and types
Monadic plumbing
State manipulation functions
type CTable = Map ConstItem CRef
data CState = S {
cFlags :: Flags
cState :: IntState
cMaxDepth :: Int
cConstIds :: CRef
cConsts :: (Map ConstItem CRef)
cLabels :: Label
cEnv :: (Map Id Where)
cDepth :: Int
cFails :: [(Label, Int)]
cEvals :: (Set Id)
initCompileState :: Flags -> IntState -> CState
type STCompiler a = State CState a
type InsCode = [UseIns] -> [UseIns]
type Compiler a = STCompiler (InsCode, a)
data CMode = CMode {
isStrict :: Bool
isTraced :: Bool
isProjected :: Bool
cStrict :: CMode -> CMode
cLazy :: CMode -> CMode
cTraced :: CMode -> CMode
cUntraced :: CMode -> CMode
cUnproject :: CMode -> CMode
data Where
= Stack Int Bool
| Arg Int
shiftWhere :: Int -> Where -> Where
(=>>=) :: Compiler a -> (a -> Compiler b) -> Compiler b
(=>>) :: Compiler () -> Compiler a -> Compiler a
mapC :: (a -> Compiler b) -> [a] -> Compiler [b]
mapC_ :: (a -> Compiler ()) -> [a] -> Compiler ()
simply :: a -> Compiler a
liftC :: STCompiler a -> Compiler a
block :: InsCode -> Compiler ()
shiftStack :: Int -> Compiler ()
getFlags :: Compiler Flags
getDepth :: Compiler Int
setDepth :: Int -> Compiler ()
bindArgs :: [Id] -> Compiler ()
bind :: Bool -> Id -> Int -> Compiler ()
whereIs :: Id -> Compiler (Maybe Where)
addConst :: ConstItem -> Compiler CRef
isEvaled :: Id -> Compiler Bool
evaled :: Id -> Compiler ()
newLabel :: Compiler Label
newLabels :: Int -> Compiler [Label]
branch :: Compiler () -> Compiler Int
mergeDepths :: Label -> String -> [Int] -> Compiler ()
pushFail :: Label -> Compiler ()
popFail :: Compiler ()
getFail :: Compiler (Label, Int)
getIntState :: Compiler IntState
State and types
type CTable = Map ConstItem CRef
data CState

The internal compiler state

    flags,state         - saved external items
    maxDepth            - the biggest depth we reached in this function
    constIds            - the list of free constant ids
    consts              - the current constant table
    labels              - the list of free labels
    env                 - where each variable can be found
    depth               - the current stack depth
    fails               - a list of fail handlers (still used?)
    evals               - the set of variables that we know to be evaluated
cFlags :: Flags
cState :: IntState
cMaxDepth :: Int
cConstIds :: CRef
cConsts :: (Map ConstItem CRef)
cLabels :: Label
cEnv :: (Map Id Where)
cDepth :: Int
cFails :: [(Label, Int)]
cEvals :: (Set Id)
show/hide Instances
Show CState
initCompileState :: Flags -> IntState -> CState
type STCompiler a = State CState a
type InsCode = [UseIns] -> [UseIns]
type Compiler a = STCompiler (InsCode, a)
data CMode
compiler mode information
isStrict :: Bool
isTraced :: Bool
isProjected :: Bool
cStrict :: CMode -> CMode
cLazy :: CMode -> CMode
cTraced :: CMode -> CMode
cUntraced :: CMode -> CMode
cUnproject :: CMode -> CMode
data Where
where we can find a variable
Stack Int Bool
Arg Int
show/hide Instances
Show Where
shiftWhere :: Int -> Where -> Where
shift a where by an offset, if it's on the stack
Monadic plumbing

the underlying state of the compiler, recording stack depth, environment etc. is monadic, ontop of this combinators are provided to plug together the outputted code, which are also monad like in nature.

needless to say the internal details of how this works are complicated, however, conceptually it's quite easy.

 p =>> q

runs the monad for compiler p, then the one for compiler q and then joins the instructions generated together.

 p =>>= \ x -> q

does the same as the above but this time it's assumed p is returning something besides just the code that is generated, which is then used as a local variable in defining q.

for example:

 newLabel =>>= \ j ->
 ins (JUMP j)

calls the monad to generate a new internal label, and joins its code (i.e. none) with the code for a JUMP to address provided by newLabel.

(=>>=) :: Compiler a -> (a -> Compiler b) -> Compiler b
(=>>) :: Compiler () -> Compiler a -> Compiler a
mapC :: (a -> Compiler b) -> [a] -> Compiler [b]
mapC_ :: (a -> Compiler ()) -> [a] -> Compiler ()
simply :: a -> Compiler a
liftC :: STCompiler a -> Compiler a
block :: InsCode -> Compiler ()
State manipulation functions
shiftStack :: Int -> Compiler ()
shift the stack by the given amount, also offsets the stack stored variables in the environment and changes the maxDepth if appropriate
getFlags :: Compiler Flags
get the flags
getDepth :: Compiler Int
get the current depth
setDepth :: Int -> Compiler ()
set the current depth
bindArgs :: [Id] -> Compiler ()
bind the argument list
bind :: Bool -> Id -> Int -> Compiler ()
bind an identifier to a stack location
whereIs :: Id -> Compiler (Maybe Where)
find out where an identifier is stored
addConst :: ConstItem -> Compiler CRef
add a const to the consttable, if it's not there already
isEvaled :: Id -> Compiler Bool
find out whether a variable has been evaluated already
evaled :: Id -> Compiler ()
mark that a variable has been evaluated
newLabel :: Compiler Label
allocate a new compiler label and return it
newLabels :: Int -> Compiler [Label]
allocate some new labels
branch :: Compiler () -> Compiler Int
take a compiler and compile it in its own environment, saving and restoring the appropriate local state elements give the depth on return.
mergeDepths :: Label -> String -> [Int] -> Compiler ()
merge together a list of depths taken from branching, checks they are all the same and sets the depth to that
pushFail :: Label -> Compiler ()
push a fail on the fail stack
popFail :: Compiler ()
pop a fail from the fail stack
getFail :: Compiler (Label, Int)
get the failure on the fail of the stack
getIntState :: Compiler IntState
get the internal state
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